
Fuchsia Darkness Creative Commons License

A completely re-designed and recolored version of the BetterDiscord theme SimplyDark made by Gibbu!
The purpose of the theme is to make discord more compact, customizable and debranded.
The theme can and will contain bugs.

Theme support


To download the theme for BetterDiscord, follow the next steps:

  1. open SimplyDarkFuchsiaDarkness.theme.css in the repo.
  2. click the Raw button in the top right corner of the theme file page.
  3. once in the “raw” code view; right click the page, click Save as... and save it to your theme folder.

To download the theme for Replugged, follow the next steps:

  1. navigate to your Replugged themes folder.
  2. open a terminal of your choice, then run the following command: git clone https://github.com/ToxxyTheTrash/FuchsiaDarkness

Sources used in the theme!

Note: I do NOT own or claim any part of the code used from SimplyDark, RadialStatus or BlurpleRecolor being mine!

Thanks to Gibbu for letting me initially modify SimplyDark and add in RadialStatus + HorizontalServerList
Gibbu’s GitHub page: https://github.com/Gibbu
Source of SimplyDark: https://github.com/DiscordStyles/SimplyDark
Source of RadialStatus: https://github.com/DiscordStyles/RadialStatus
Source of HorizontalServerList: https://github.com/DiscordStyles/HorizontalServerList

Thanks to DevilBro for letting me use parts of BlurpleRecolor to recolor certain images and change enforced discord colors for the theme!
DevilBro’s GitHub page: https://github.com/mwittrien
BlurpleRecolor: https://github.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/tree/master/Themes/BlurpleRecolor

All Material Design icons used within the theme originate from https://github.com/google/material-design-icons

Color Themes 🎨

In case the default accent doesn’t suit your needs, you can try out some color themes here! [unsupported for Replugged]

Theme Screenshots - OUTDATED

Chat with HorizontalServerList and some other plugins enabled:
alt text

alt text

alt text

Profile popup:
alt text

Dropdowns and context menus:
alt text alt text alt text

Emote and server window:
alt text alt text